Cambodia International Film Festival

The Night Curse Of Reatrei


The Night Curse Of Reatrei


by Lyda Leak

Cambodia/2024/94 min


ដោយលៀក លីដា



1983: There are 7 orphanage kids living in the care center who was caretaker by Reatrei, a blind music teacher. The 7 kids were killed overnight, the villager noted that teacher Reatrei is a murder. They set her on fire in the well behind the orphanage, even she try to explain to them but no one care about her explanation. Since then, the orphanage has been abandoned and moved to a new center.

1993: The orphanage reopened because the new center are repairing. There are 3 kid was send to the old orphanage center and stay under caretaker name’s Pisey.A newly employed young nurse, DALIN, and her little sister NIKA arrive at the Sunshine Center with the help of the kind UNCLE SOM – the director of the Sunshine Center orphanage. They bond with PAI, the handsome handyman. He shows concern for the orphan GECKLEE, who claims she has disturbing visions of a ghostly woman around the old building.
The head caretaker PISEY – a loving and maternal woman gets cursed by the ghost of REATREI, who was hanged and burned by a vigilante mob for the crime of killing seven orphans in her care. Pisey’s body is used to attack the caretakers and kids in anger.
The ghost cannot control its anger, and uses Pisey to try and kill the orphans – but she resists and sacrifices her own life by throwing herself to her death to save the kids. Pai and Dalin realize that something supernatural might be happening, and investigate the Sunshine Center murder case in an attempt to find the real killer of the seven kids.
Dalin and Pai look into the past and discover that it was Uncle Som who murdered the seven kids as a way to hurt his wife who worked as a caretaker at the orphanage. Uncle Som nearly murders Pai, but the ghost of Reatrei intervenes and kills him.


​ឆ្នាំ១៩៨៣ ៖​ មាន​ឃាតក​ម្មមួយកើតឡើងក្នុង​មណ្ឌលកុមារកំព្រាដែលបណ្ដាលឱ្យ​ក្មេង៧នាក់បាត់បង់ជីវិត ហើយអ្នកមើលថែក្មេងឈ្មោះរាត្រីត្រូវគេចោទប្រកាន់ថាជាឃាតករ។ នាងក៏ត្រូវគេសម្លាប់។ វិញ្ញាណនាងនៅតែលតោលទីនោះ។ ឆ្នាំ១៩៩៣ មណ្ឌលកុមារកំព្រានោះក៏បានបើកឡើងវិញ តែរឿងចម្លែកៗតែងកើតឡើងជារឿយៗរហូតដល់មានអ្នកមើលថែថ្មីម្នាក់ឈ្មោះពិសីស្លាប់។​​​​​​​​​ ក្មេងៗក៏ចាប់ផ្ដើមស៊ើបអង្កេតអំពីឃាតកម្មដែលកើតឡើង​១០ឆ្នាំ ហើយវែកមុខឃាតករពិត។