The Year My Voice Broke
By John Duigan
Australia/1987/103 min
ដោយចន ឌីហ្កង់
Danny and Freya have been friends since they were little children, and now that they’re becoming young adults, Danny’s feelings for her are becoming sexual. Freya, though, turns her attention to Trevor, a charismatic rugby player and occasional car thief. Danny’s jealousy is tempered by the fact that Trevor seems like a genuinely decent guy. The three misfits become allies against the bullies in their small Australian town.
រឿងនេះកើតឡើងនៅរដូវក្តៅឆ្នាំ១៩៦២ នៅក្នុងទីក្រុងដាច់ស្រយាលមួយនៃប្រទេសអូស្ត្រាលី។ ហ្វ្រីយ៉ា អាយុ១៦ឆ្នាំ។ នាងជាក្មេងស្រីឆ្មើងឆ្មៃម្នាក់។ អ្នកភូមិនិយាយដើមនាងមិនឈប់តាំងពីនាងត្រូវគេយកទៅចិញ្ចឹម។ នាងមានមិត្តជិតដិតម្នាក់ឈ្មោះ ដានី ដែលស្រឡាញ់នាងរហូត។ ប៉ុន្តែនៅពេលដែលហ្វ្រីយ៉ាទាក់ភ្នែករបស់ត្រេវ័រ ដែលជាជនបះបោរក្នុងក្រុង ផ្កាភ្លើងបានផ្ទុះឡើង។ មនោសញ្ចេតនាដ៏ច្របូកច្របល់របស់ពួកគេបានបង្កើតបញ្ហាចាក់ស្រែះ និងរំលេចអាថ៌កំបាំងដ៏ជ្រៅ និងងងឹតបំផុតរបស់ទីក្រុង។
- Wednesday 26th: 8:00 pm at LEGEND Exchange Sq.
- Sunday 30th: 2:00 pm at LEGEND Exchange Sq.
Get ready for a sizzling saga of love, betrayal, and hidden truths that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Winner of 5 AFI Awards, John Duigan’s highly acclaimed and much loved coming-of-age story is one of the Australian film industry’s most memorable movies.
This film is presented in the special program “Life Long Learning” to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Australia Award Scholarship scheme.
This cult movie is proudly presented in restored version in association with the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia’s digital restoration program, NFSA Restores: reviving our cinema icons.