Cambodia International Film Festival

Wing B

Wing B By John Pirozzi United States/2024/13 min   ដោយចន ពីរ៉ូហ្ស៊ី អាមេរិក/២០២៤/១៣នាទី Story An elderly man makes the trip from Phnom Penh to his home village by bus and along the way his personal relationship to nature is revealed. រឿង បុរសចំណាស់ម្នាក់ធ្វើដំណើរពីភ្នំពេញទៅស្រុកកំណើតតាមឡានក្រុង ហើយនៅតាមផ្លូវ ទំនាក់ទំនងរបស់គាត់ជាមួយធម្មជាតិក៏ត្រូវបានលាតត្រដាងឡើង។

Golden Dragon

Golden Dragon នាគមាស By Chhit Boren Cambodia/2023/17 min   ដោយឈិត បូរិន កម្ពុជា/២០២៣/១៧នាទី Story When Vicheka wakes up in a hospital in the coastal town of Sihanoukville, he tries to piece together the reason for his visit. Overwhelmed by his dreams, memories and the rapidly urbanising landscape of his birthplace, a conversation with a local nurse […]


Offrande សែនព្រែន By Pagna Chan Cambodia/2022/5 min   ដោយចាន់ បញ្ញា កម្ពុជា/២០២២/៥នាទី Story In Cambodia, as in most Buddhist countries, offerings are part of an important ritual in the course of life from childhood to adulthood. រឿង ដូចប្រទេសពុទ្ធសាសនាផ្សេងទៀតដែរ នៅកម្ពុជា​ ការសែនព្រែនជាផ្នែកមួយដ៏សំខាន់ក្នុង​ដំណើរជីវិត​តាំងពីតូចរហូតដល់ធំ។

Where Is My Father? Where Is My Father? ឯណាទៅឪពុកខ្ញុំ? By Chamroeun Phun Cambodia/2024/7 min   ដោយភុន ចំរើន កម្ពុជា/២០២៤/៧នាទី Story Dara and Try are university student, they are discussing about their hope and suspicious in life. After his father pass away Dara plan to buy a new house to live with his mother in the city. រឿង តារា និងទ្រី […]

The Rubber Tappers

The Rubber Tappers អ្នកចៀរជ័រ By Rotha Moeng Cambodia/2023/20 min   ដោយម៉ឹង រដ្ឋា កម្ពុជា/២០២៣/២០នាទី Story A young hero is called Khlek and belongs to the Kroeung ethnic group. The short film evokes the animism still alive in this region, the spirit of the trees and a lost yet living forest, replaced by a rubber plantation. The […]

Arrangements Arrangements ប្ដីម៉ែរើសឱ្យ By Thavary Krouch United States/2023/12 min   ដោយគ្រូច ថាវរី អាមេរិក/២០២៣/១២នាទី Story In the vibrant neighborhood of West Town, Chicago, two cousins, once inseparable, now find themselves estranged. But life has a funny way of bringing people back together, even when old wounds still sting. And so, when one of them announces her […]