Cambodia International Film Festival

Casablanca Beats

Casablanca Beats រ៉េបកាសាប្លង់កា By Nabil Ayouch Morocco, France/2021/101 min ដោយ Nabil Ayouch ម៉ារ៉ុក-បារាំង/២០២១/១០១នាទី Story Anas, a former rapper, takes up a teaching job in a cultural center in an underprivileged neighborhood in Casablanca, Morocco. Encouraged by their new teacher, the students will try to free themselves from the weight of traditions to live their passion […]

My Voice

My Voice សំឡេងខ្ញុំ By Flores Gomes Guinea Bissau, France/2002/90 min   ដោយ Flores Gomes ហ្គីណេ ប៊ីសូ-បារាំង/២០០២/៩០នាទី Story Vita’s family is convinced that any woman who sings, will die. In France Vita becomes an international star. She realizes that sooner or later her mother in Africa will learn of the news and be furious. To solve […]

The Franc

The Franc លុយ By Djibril Diop Mambéty Senegal/1994/45 min   ដោយ Djibril Diop Mambéty សេណេហ្កាល់/១៩៩៤/៤៥នាទី Story Marigo is a musician. Ever since his landlady confiscated his instrument to cover his rent, he tries to get it back. When his national lottery ticket, safely glued to his door, has the winning number, Marigo decides to carry […]

The Golden Ball

The Golden Ball បាល់មាស By Doukoure Cheik Guinea, France/1994/93 min ដោយ Doukoure Cheikហ្គីណេ-បារាំង/១៩៩៤/៩៣នាទី   Story Twelve-year-old Bandian is a wonder on the soccer field. His friends call him the turbo Makono, named after the village where he lives. A gift of a leather ball, that Bandian paints gold, like a magical object, brings him a […]

The Little Girl Who Sold The Sun

The Little Girl Who Sold The Sun ក្មេងស្រីលក់ព្រះអាទិត្យ By Djibril Diop Mambéty Senegal, France/1999/45 min ដឹកនាំដោយ Djibril Diop Mambéty សេណាហ្កាល់-បារាំង/១៩៩៩/៤៥នាទី   Story A young girl on crutches is determined to be a street vendor of “Le Soleil,” the national newspaper of Senegal, against the wishes of the other street boys. A tale of courage and […]

The Money Order

The Money Order បញ្ជាលុយ By Ousmane Sembène Senegal, France/1968/105 min ដោយ Ousmane Sembène សេណាហ្កាល់-បារាំង/១៩៦៨/១០៥នាទី   Story A money order from a relative in Paris throws the life of a Senegalese family man out of order. He deals with corruption, greed, problematic family members, the locals and the changing from his traditional way of living to […]

Walking With Giants

Walking With Giants RATING PG 13+ Duration : 16 Minutes Genre : Documentary Director : Joshua Masters Production : Cambodia 2020 Story Discover an eye-opening journey through the Cambodian jungle, where elephants such as Sambo face brutality and mistreatment from tourism. ការមើលឃើញដ៏ភ្ញាក់ផ្អើលមួយនៅក្នុងការធ្វើដំណើរក្នុងព្រៃនៃប្រទេសកម្ពុជា ដែលសត្វដំរីជាច្រើន ដូចជាសំបូរជាដើម ប្រឈមមុ​ខនឹង​ភាពហិង្សា និងការធ្វើបាប​ពីទេសចរណ៍។ Saturday 21st : 4:30 PM at Major Cineplex (AEON […]

The Last Breath of the Tonle Sap

The Last Breath of The Tonle Sap RATING PG 13+ Duration : 11 Minutes Genre : Documentary Language: Khmer w/Eng subtitiles Director : Thomas Cristofoletti, Robin Narciso Production : Cambodia/Italy 2022 Story The story of Piseth (Fisherman) and his family, who live on the edge of the Tonle Sap, a lake that was once considered […]

Sea Within A Sea

Sea Within A Sea RATING PG 13+ Duration : 24 Minutes Genre : Documentary Language: Kh/Eng Director : Danech San Production : Cambodia 2021 Story On Koh Sdach, a local diver examines coral reefs and seahorse populations while exploring the environmental impacts of his village’s commercial development and growing fishing industry. នៅតំបន់កោះស្ដេច អ្នកជ្រមុជទឹកម្នាក់ពិនិត្យមើលផ្កាថ្ម និងពពួកសត្វសេះសមុទ្រ ហើយស្វែងយល់ពីប៉ះពាល់ផ្នែកបរិស្ថានបង្កឡើងដោយការអភិវឌ្ឍពាណិជ្ជកម្ម […]

Humans and Elephants

Humans and Elephants RATING PG 13+ Duration : 20 Minutes Genre : Documentary Director : Alexander Leonard Production : Cambodia 2022 Story An eco-tourist realized his experiences visiting elephants in national parks have unintended consequences. អ្នកទេសចរណ៍ធម្មជាតិម្នាក់ដឹងថា បទពិសោធន៍របស់ខ្លួននៃការទស្សនាសត្វដំរីនៅឧទ្យានជាតិមានផលវិបាកឥតព្រាងទុកមួយ Wednesday 29th : 2 PM at Chaktomuk Friday 1st : 2 PM at Rosewood