Cambodia International Film Festival

CIFF Sprouts First Panel on Acting in Cambodia

In a panel discussion about “The Art of Acting,” CIFF and The Acting Academy invited notable figures from the new generation of Cambodian cinema, including actors, directors, and casting directors, to discuss tools and strategies for helping fictional cinema grow by relying on a new actor/director relationship. The panel took place on March 31st at […]

Day One of CIFF “Sprouts”: Snake Girl Drops In

On March 26th, the 12th Cambodia International Film Festival(CIFF) began its mini-preview of the festival with CIFF “Sprouts” at Chaktomuk Hall, PhnomPenh. Over 600 people attended the opening gala, which screened the 86-minutedocumentary The Perfect Motion by French director Xavier Lauzanne. The film follows the creation of a show called Metamorphosis by the late Princess […]