by Rachel Perkins
Australia/1998/83 min
ដោយរ៉ាឆែល ភើឃីន
Sparks fly when three sisters reunite to mark the passing of their mother among the sugar cane plantations of far North Queensland. Successful opera singer Cressy clashes with her youngest sibling Nona, who is desperate to find connection with Cressy and Mae. A storm is brewing in this wild corner of Australia, and some harsh truths float to the surface before their mother’s ashes are given the appropriate send-off.
ការឈ្លោះគ្នាបែកផ្កាភ្លើងបានកើតឡើងនៅពេលដែលបងប្អូនស្រីបីនាក់មកជួបជុំគ្នាពេល ម្ដាយស្លាប់ក្នុងចម្កាអំពៅនៃរដ្ឋឃ្វីនឡែនខាងជើង។ គ្រីស៊ី អ្នកចម្រៀងអូប៉េរ៉ាដែលទទួលបានជោគជ័យ ប៉ះទង្គិចជាមួយប្អូនស្រីពៅរបស់នាង គឺណូណា ដែលចង់ត្រូវរ៉ូវគ្នាខ្លាំងណាស់ជាមួយគ្រីស៊ី និងមេ។ ពួកគេឈ្លោះប្រកែកគ្នាយ៉ាងខ្លាំង ហើយការពិតដ៏អាក្រក់មួយចំនួនបានអណ្តែតឡើង ចំពោះមុខអដ្ឋិធាតុម្ដាយ។
- Saturday 29th: 1:30 pm at LEGEND Exchange Sq.
- Sunday 30th: 6:00 pm at LEGEND Exchange Sq.
This film is presented in the special program “Life Long Learning” to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Australia Award Scholarship scheme.
This cult movie is proudly presented in restored version in association with the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia’s digital restoration program, NFSA Restores: reviving our cinema icons.