By Maryam Ghasemi
ដោយ Maryam Ghasemi
អ៊ីរ៉ង់/២០២៣/១៤ នាទី
Mahmoud has an affair with Mina. His wife doesn’t know anything about it. Mina is pregnant with Mahmoud’s child. They have decided to have an abortion. Since abortion is illegal in Iran, Mahmoud asks his friend, Qorban, to take Mina to Mahmoud’s house so that his own wife can do the abortion.
Mahmoud មានទំនាក់ទំនងស្នេហាជាមួយ Mina ។ ហើយប្រពន្ធគាត់មិនដឹងរឿងនេះទេ។ Mina មានផ្ទៃពោះកូនរបស់ Mahmoud ។ ពួកគេបានសម្រេចចិត្តរំលូតកូន។ ដោយសារការរំលូតកូនគឺខុសច្បាប់នៅក្នុងប្រទេសអ៊ីរ៉ង់ Mahmoud បានសុំឱ្យមិត្តរបស់គាត់ឈ្មោះ Qorban យក Mina ទៅផ្ទះ Mahmoud ដើម្បីឱ្យប្រពន្ធរបស់គាត់អាចរំលូតកូនបាន។
- This film is part of the collection 'Iran Women Voices'
- Thursday 1st: 6 PM at Legend Premium Exchange Square Hall 2
- Saturday 3rd: 4 PM at Rosewood Pavilion (Level 39)