Cambodia International Film Festival

The Door Knocker

The Door Knocker


By Pilot Sok, Sana Oungty
Cambodia/2023/4 min


ដោយសុខ ពីឡុត និងអួងធី សាណា



Rina is a woman who is leaving her hometown to study and work to support her family but unfortunately she got raped by her neighbor who is a drunken man, she still keeps in her mind and never tell someone about this. One day while she was very depressed and asleep Rina heard the sound of knocking on the door and she tried to be strong to face the situation.


រីណា ជាជនរងគ្រោះនៃការរំលោភសេពសន្ធវៈ តែនាងត្រូវតែរឹងមាំពេលនាងឮសំឡេងគោះទ្វារបន្ទប់នាងនៅពេលយប់។